Children's Palliative Care Hospice (Mandara)
This is a unique program in MNJ Government Cancer Hospital and Niloufer Government Children’s Hospital. A team consisting of pediatric palliative care consultants, staff nurses, and social workers provide palliative care in conjunction with curative treatment at both these hospitals. To ensure a continuum of care our team refers children to our dedicated pediatric home care vans and also to Mandara Hospice if required and offers 24 hours phone consultancy. We believe that no child should suffer in pain.
Mandara Hospice is an expansion of the existing Pediatric Palliative services of PRPCS which became operational on 29th May 2021. The hospice is a cocoon for these exhausted families and the suffering child, protecting and empowering them on how best to deal with the disease and its progression. The child and family get discharged once the symptoms are stabilized and followed up via our dedicated home care program or phone call follow up. This program instills strength in the care givers to face the death of their loving child. The death doesn’t have to be painful or alone at home/ ICU. Rather, it can now be with well controlled symptoms with the family by the bedside. The team consists of pediatric palliative care consultant, staff nurses and social worker along with other support staff to deliver the standard of physical & psychosocial care. These children do make special requests for food, play and fun. Every year children’s hospice admits more than 200 children and are cared for.
Less than a year, this children’s hospice has admitted and care for 200 children. These children are referred from both the Govt MNJ Cancer Hospital Govt Niloufer Children’s hospital and other children’s hospital in the city.